Corrie Adams, LMT
Massage & Bodywork

About Me




I was born and raised here in the PNW and movement has been a lifelong focus of mine growing up as a dancer, swimmer, mountain biker and even still later in life as an avid hiker, runner, cyclist and yogi. In my off time I can be found enjoying a sauna/hot tub session, exploring new plant based recipes, gardening, camping or curled up with a good book. 


My Training

My love and fascination with the human body began in high school where I had two years of focused studies in the athletic training & sports medicine student training program 2005-2007, from there I went on to a one year orthopedic surgical assisting internship,  before turning my focus back to the rehabilitative side of injury treatment. Largely focused studies in human physiology, musculoskeletal anatomy & kinesiology. I graduated from Cortiva Institute of Seattle in 2015 and from ITM School of Thai massage in Chiang Mai Thailand in 2016. Attending massage school and working towards a PTA/OTA degree has given me many ways in which I can both view and interact with the intricacies of the body, recognize functional holding patterns and better understand and appreciate how amazing our bodies healing processes truly are.


My Style

I specialize in myofascial release, swedish massage, cupping, thai massage, medical & injury treatment work, visceral (abdominal) manipulation, sports & neuromuscular techniques. With additional training in structural integration, craniosacral, neurofascial release, Graston technique, gua-sha, esalen, pre & post natal pregnancy massage, acupressure, energy work, reflexology & trauma informed bodywork practices.

My style blends a combination of as many or as few of the techniques listed as needed, to meet the goals that we establish together for your session that day. The ultimate goal is to create a safe space to calm the nervous system so that we can recognize & address fascial tensions and holding patterns within the body, facilitate the healing process and get you to a more comfortable state of being.